31:a sönd. u.å. Årg. C

Luk 19:1–10. Detta är en gripande, en underbar episod i Lukasevangeliet. Vi vet att Lukas älskar att berätta episoder där Jesu godhet och barmhärtighet lyser fram. Det är Lukas som berättar om det förlorade fåret, det förlorade myntet, den förlorade sonen. Sackaios hör också till denna kategori. Han är tullindrivare, men inte en vanlig sådan, […]

23:e sönd. u.å. Årg C

Anyone who does not carry his Cross and come after me cannot be my disciple. In today’s Gospel Jesus seems to do all he can to put people off from following him. No sane, reasonable person, he seems to say, would seriously consider becoming his disciple. A disciple of his must hate his family, and […]

19:e sönd. u.å. Årg. C

Under de senaste femton åren har antalet nunnor i de kontemplativa klostren i Kyrkan – världen över – sjunkit i antal från ungefär 50.000 till nu strax under 40.000. Det är en ganska stor minskning, på en relativt kort tid. Detta meddelades från den Heliga Stolen ganska så nyligen. Antalet, är naturligtvis inte allt som […]

16:e sönd. u.å. Årg. C

Lk 10:38-42. Probably everyone knows the famous Trinity Icon of Rublev. It’s based on the story from Genesis we had in our first reading today. Andrei Rublev was a Russian monk who lived in the late 14th/early 15th c. His Icon shows the 3 Angels of Mamre sitting lovingly around a table. Because in the […]

15:e sönd. u.å. Årg. C

In this Year of Mercy it’s impossible not to comment on the Parable of the Good Samaritan: one of the great parables of mercy. This point of this parable is not in the first place the mercy we receive from God, but the mercy we ourselves have to show to our neighbour: any neighbour at […]

Johannes döparens födelse 2016

‘His name is John’. Today we keep the birthday of this John, John the Baptiser. After our Lord, the Church keeps the earthly birthdays only of Mary and of John. So here we are, six months and a day before the birth of our Lord, keeping the birthday of his cousin, the one who went […]

Kristi kropps och blods högtid 2016/The Feast of Corpus Christi

All four Gospels narrate the miracle of the feeding of the 5,000 in the wilderness. Today we affirm our unhesitating faith that Jesus still feeds his hungry people in the wilderness of this life. Only in the Holy Eucharist the nourishment we receive is no ordinary bread, but something far more wonderful. Here Jesus gives […]

7:e påsksönd.

Vi befinner oss fortfarande precis i början av pingstnovenan, närmare bestämt på dess tredje dag. Ja, under dessa nio dagar mellan Kristi himmelsfärd och pingst förenar vi oss med hela Kyrkan för att be om att på ett nytt sätt få ta emot den helige Ande i våra liv. Vi ber om hans utgjutande och […]

Kristi himmelsfärds dag 2016/The Ascension of the Lord

Yesterday morning at Vigils we heard a passage from a Sermon on the Ascension by Blessed John Henry Newman. “Christ’s going to the Father”, says Newman, “is at once a source of sorrow because it involves his absence, and of joy because it involves his presence. And out of the doctrine of his Resurrection and […]