2:a söndagen u.å. Årg. B

On Jn 1:35-42 “John looked at Jesus and said: Look, there is the Lamb of God!” (Jn 1:35). This is the second time the phrase Lamb of God has occurred in this first Chapter of St. John’s Gospel. Just a few verses before, we read how the previous day St. John the Baptist had born […]

Guds heliga moder Marias högtid

Mercy and truth have met, Justice and peace have embraced. Truth has sprung up from the earth, and Justice has looked down from heaven. (Ps 84/85:11-12) When the Fathers of the Church wanted to speak of the mystery of the Incarnation, and of the Divine Motherhood of Mary, they would often seek their inspiration, their […]

Kristus Konungens dag. Årg. A

The Feast of Christ the King marks the end, and crown of the liturgical Year. This is the last Sunday in this year of St. Matthew, and we take our leave of his Gospel with the great scene of Christ in majesty at the end of time: a King sitting on his throne of Judgement. […]

33:e söndagen u.å. Årg. A

On Mt 25:14-30. With the 25th chapter of his Gospel, St. Matthew completes his account of Jesus’ public ministry. Jesus’ final extended discourse according to Matthew concludes with three parables, all of them about the end of time, the second coming and the last judgement. We heard the parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins […]

32:a söndagen u.å. Årg A

On Matthew 25:1-13 Over the last three Sundays of the year we have the last three parables in St. Matthew’s Gospel, all given in Chapter 25. They are the parables of the Wise and Foolish Virgins, today, the parable of the Talents, then finally the great Last Judgment scene, which depicts the separation of the […]

30:e söndagen u.å. Årg. A

On Matthew 22:34-40 Master, which is the greatest commandment of the law? As over the past six Sundays, we find Jesus today in conflict with Jewish leaders who are out to destroy him. So today’s Gospel begins with yet another device, yet another trick question, yet another trap, designed to ensnare or incriminate Jesus. But […]

27:e söndagen u.å. Årg. A

On Mt 21:33-43. ‘There was a man, a landowner who planted a vineyard. According to St. Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus gave this parable in Jerusalem, in the days following Palm Sunday, the days immediately before his Passion. He is in the Temple, teaching, and the tension in the air is very high indeed. While the Chief […]

25:e söndagen u.å. Årg. A

On Matthew 20:1-16 The parable of the Labourers in the Vineyard, like several other of the parables of the Kingdom, is found in St. Matthew’s Gospel alone. In the verse immediately before it, at the end of Chapter 19, Jesus says to Peter: Many who are first will be last, and the last, first. At […]

23:e söndagen u.å. Årg. A

Predikan/Homily for Sunday 23A, Rydebäck Karmel, 10 September 2017 By Dom Benedict Hardy OSB It’s perhaps not often you hear a Sunday Homily commenting on the Responsorial Psalm. But the Psalm which followed the first reading of today’s Mass is number 94, or 95 according to the Hebrew numbering. In my monastery in Scotland we […]

13:e söndagen u.å. Årg. A

On Matthew 10:37ff. Anyone who prefers father or mother to me is not worthy of me. Anyone who prefers son or daughter to me is not worthy of me.” These words of Jesus sound shocking, extreme, exaggerated, excessive, inhuman. But they’re not. On the contrary. They are for us words of life, and of divine […]